Guidelines for Submission and the Publishing Process

Publishing with Perceptions Press

The publishing process can seem complicated, especially if you are a first time author. Perceptions Press is a small company located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, specializing in innovative and avant-garde fiction and non-fiction manuscripts focused on transgender subjects and/or written by transgender authors. We work closely with authors to ensure quality publications and are proud of our commitment to detail. We are always here to answer questions regarding any aspect of your manuscript during the writing, production and/or publishing processes. We offer individualized support to authors beginning with our initial contact right through to publication.

Services available to PP Authors

Most projects go through several stages, including various types of editing prior to publication. These services are agreed to and set out in Editing Services and/or Publishing agreements, which are signed by the author and the editor and/or publisher depending on the services provided (see the Services and Fees page for costs).

  • Artwork and Image Editing: editing/manipulation of author owned/created photos and artwork to ensure they comply with publication requirements
  • Cover and Title Design: cover design using author owned/created images and artwork, help with title development
  • Substantive/structural editing: Clarifying or reorganizing a manuscript for content and structure
  • Stylistic editing: Clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, polishing language, and other line-by-line editing
  • Copy editing: Editing for grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style; checking for consistency of mechanics and for internal consistency of facts; inserting head levels and approximate placement of art; editing tables, figures, and lists; notifying the designer of any unusual production requirements
  • Proofreading: Checking page proofs of formatted, edited material for adherence to design and for minor, mechanical errors in copy (such as spelling mistakes or small deviations from the style sheet)

Style Guidelines

When preparing your manuscript, please follow the style guidelines as closely as possible. We recommend that you use our house style from the outset of your writing, since re-editing/re-formatting your manuscript to comply with our house style at the last stage can be very laborious.


Contact us at any time during your writing process to inquire about our interest in your manuscript or aspects of the publishing process. The timeline for publication is set out in the Publishing and Copyright Agreement, which is signed by the publisher and the author following a verbal agreement to work together. Normally, publication occurs 6 to 9 months following the signing of the contract, This depends on the complexity of the manuscript, the amount and types of editorial support required, the author’s ability to meet deadlines set by the publisher, and publisher workload. Any delays in writing, editing, or proofreading the manuscript will have an impact on the publication date. Please let us know if you anticipate any delays or will be away during the publishing process.

The contract indicates a maximum length for your manuscript. If it becomes clear that the agreed length is unworkable, please let us know as soon as possible. We can generally accommodate minor changes in length (i.e. within 10-15%), but more significant changes will require serious consideration as they are likely to have an impact on the selling price and, in turn, on the sales potential of the book and author royalties.


Permission must be obtained from the copyright holder for any third-party materials included or cited in the manuscript that fall outside the limitations of “fair dealing” or “fair use” conventions. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all permission requirements are met. For additional information about fair dealing/fair use and/or copyright regulations in Canada see and

PLEASE NOTE: Artwork and images, including photographs, maps, and line drawings, also require written permission from the copyright holder. Photocopies or scans of permissions granted must be submitted with your manuscript.

Artwork and Images

The use of images and the number permitted are agreed upon and stated in the contract. Any changes to these specifications must be approved in advance of submission of the final manuscript.

Cover Design and Book Title

The cover design begins early in the publication process. If you have ideas or specific images in mind, or if you have contracted cover design with an independent cover designer, please discuss this with us well in advance. We require high resolution images (usually 300 dpi), licensed for commercial use. Images sourced through reputable agencies are preferred.

PLEASE NOTE: Most images found on the internet are subject to copyright and/or royalties.

The title of your book should be short, descriptive, easy to remember, and appropriate to the genre of your book. If you decide to change the title, please discuss this with us as early as possible in the process. Once your book has been advertised, it is not advisable to change the title.

Submitting Your Manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted electronically as an email attachment. Photos and artwork should be supplied electronically, in separate files, as high resolution scans. Scans or photocopies of all permission documents must be supplied at this stage. Authors may find the Industry Standards Checklist helpful to ensure their submission is complete.

Please ensure that your manuscript is completely finished (no further writing or re-writing is anticipated) and that it has been proofread. It should be as free from errors or omissions as you can make it. Have your manuscript read by a colleague or professional editor prior to submission. If English is not your first language, we encourage you to have it professionally edited. As the editor of a contributed volume, it is your responsibility to check through the entire manuscript to ensure accuracy and consistency of style throughout, especially in terms of the notes and references.

PLEASE NOTE: Corrections made at the proof stage are very expensive and costs for changes will be passed on to the author.

Please ensure that every element to be incorporated in your book is present at the time of submission, including (but not limited to):

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • List of contributors
  • List of illustrations
  • Glossary
  • Foreword or preface
  • Notes
  • Bibliography

Editorial Assessment of Manuscript

On receipt of the manuscript, an editorial assessment will take place. An Assessment Editor will check the word count and the number of illustrations to ensure that the book complies with the Publishing and Copyright Agreement. Your book may be sent to an external reviewer/reader at this stage. The reviewer/reader will assess the manuscript for consistency of content and plot elements. Readers’ reports and/or any queries or suggestions will be sent to you for a response. Any revisions will be negotiated and a final submission date agreed upon. Please inform us if you will be unavailable at any point during the production process. Any absence may have an impact on the publication timeline.

Following the editorial assessment and approval of the manuscript, no further substantive changes are expected and the production process begins.

Production Process

You will receive an email message confirming receipt of your manuscript and outlining the process by which your book will become ready for paperback and e-book publication and distribution.

The next stages and standard production times for a straightforward, uncomplicated manuscript are:

  • Copy Editing (4-6 weeks, feedback to the author in the final week)
  • Paperback formatting (previously known as typesetting) (2 weeks)
  • Proofreading (2-3 weeks)
  • Final Revisions (1 week)
  • Revision Check and Subject Indexing (1-2 weeks)
  • Final Corrections (1 week)
  • E-book Formatting (1 week)
  • Printing and Posting on Amazon (1 week)
  • Delivery of Author Copies (2-4 weeks)

 Copy Editing

An experienced Editor will work with you during this process. The level of editing required varies from project to project but usually includes:

  • Correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax
  • Checking references and bibliography for omissions and inconsistencies
  • Bringing any suspected errors, omissions, inconsistencies or duplication to the author’s attention

As a rule, the Copy Editor does not make stylistic interventions/suggestions beyond implementation of style guidelines. The Copy Editor does not undertake major changes to or rewriting of the manuscript. If this is required, the manuscript will be resent for editorial assessment. It is your responsibility to supply responses to the Copy Editor in a timely manner.

PLEASE NOTE: You will not see the copy edited manuscript once it is completed. You will not see the manuscript until the proofreading stage.

Indexing (if required)

You may choose to supply your own subject index or we will commission an Indexer to create one for you, if a subject index is required. If you are preparing your own index, a list of headwords and subheadings should be drawn up at the first proof stage. We recommend that page numbers not be added until the proof is approved and the pagination of the book is secure. If you have opted for the services on an Indexer, they will be asked to compile the index at the first proof stage and you will be sent a copy of the index to check at the revised proof stage.


Once the copy editing process is complete, you will be sent page proofs in electronic PDF format. Please check these carefully since this is the last change to make any amendments before the book goes to press.

PLEASE NOTE: Only essential corrections (such as typographic errors) will be made at this stage. If substantial changes are required, the manuscript will be resent for editorial assessment and copy editing, and the costs for changes will be passed on to the author.

If any corrections are required to the first proof, you will receive a revised proof in electronic format to re-check. At this stage, you will finalize the subject index if you are preparing it yourself. If you are not preparing it yourself, an Indexer will create a subject index for you.

Printing and Publication

Once the revised proof has been approved, digital and print-ready files will be prepared. Final artwork for the cover is finalized at this time. All files are checked to ensure that there are no formatting errors. Then, they are sent to the printer

Paperback and e-book formats go live on Amazon within 1 week. Complimentary copies (as agreed in the contract) are forwarded to the author at this time.

Marketing Your Book

We promote your book on our website and other electronic media, and exhibit it at relevant conferences. Please let us know if you plan to attend a conference or other event at which you may be able to promote your book. We will assist you to develop electronic flyers or other promotional materials. We encourage authors to undertake other forms of marketing, including by not restricted to seeking out reviewers and approaching local booksellers to arrange for book signings. Please let us know if your book is eligible for or wins any prizes or awards.